Woolcraft Bfd.
Corrections to patterns as we come across them.
C3F - C3F = slip next 2 sts onto a cable needle and hold at front of work, K1 then K2 from cable needle.
Shape raglans
Next row: Cast off 6 sts in patt, patt to end. 57 [61, 65, 71, 75, 79] sts.
Next row: Patt
Row 1 : K2, sl 1, K1, psso, patt to end.
Row 2: patt to last 4 sts, P2togtbl, P2.
Rep the last 2 rows until 25 [25, 27, 29, 31, 35] sts remain.
Pattern WC0019 has the following mistake - The sizing is incorrect and should read as follows on the pattern. Everything else is correct.
ERRATA WC0019 - Sizing
To Fit Age 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, years - To Fit Chest 68, 72, 76, 82, 88, cm - 27, 28½, 30, 32½, 35, inErratum Pattern 1005
Neck Border
With 3.75mm needles and rs facing, K8 sts from left sleeve, pick up and K20 (20, 24, 24, 24, 24, 26, 26) sts down left front neck, K15 (15, 15, 15, 17, 17, 19, 19) sts from front neck, pick up and K20 (20, 24, 24, 24, 24, 26, 26) sts up right front neck, K8 sts from right sleeve, then pick up and K50 (50, 54, 54, 58, 58, 62, 62) sts across back neck ¬ 121 (121, 133, 133, 139, 139, 149, 149) sts.Pattern 1023
yoke..and to Con dec 16 sts etc..223
continue to decrease as set but working 1 stitch less between each decrease on every 6th row until there are 223 stitches, then continue to decrease in the same way but on every 4th row until there are 79 stitches. It sounds as if the lady is doing it correctly. Once she reaches the 79 stitches, as she is knitting the second size, she must follow the final decrease row as indicated to get down to 71 stitches.
Pattern 1040
Left Front and Right Front
Rep last row until work meas 3cm ending with a ws row and inc 0 (2,0,2,0) sts evenly accross last row- 148 (162,176,192,204) sts.
should read
Rep last row until work meas 3cm ending with a ws row and inc 0 (2,0,2,0) sts evenly accross last row- 148 (162,176,190,204) sts.